celebrant, singer, dj + mc
blue mountains | sydney | southern highlands
marriage celebrant | mc | dj | singer

But, please call me Cass! Cassandra is reserved for fancy legal stuff and my grandma ;).
First off a big old congratulations to you! You're getting married, in my personal opinion one of the greatest things you'll ever do.
BUT, lets forget about the idea that ceremonies have to be boring and long...I'm here to make your ceremony unique, chill and fun - just like you guys. I wanted to become a celebrant because I had seen so many wedding ceremonies (as a wedding singer) that were...for lack of a better word...stale. I want to work with you guys to create something that is the opposite of stale and is 110% YOU.
If we make things official and work together, you'll have an experienced performing artist and wedding specialist by your side from the word go. You'll have a ceremony that is written and delivered on pointe.
Every moment of the ceremony will be exactly how YOU want it, with extra mentions to why your relationship is special.
Need an MC...or a DJ...or live music? Click here to find out more about my sister business Maple Creek Music and our all inclusive package.
Just need a celebrant? Lets catch up and see if we're the right fit! Coffee (or wine!) is on me.

So like, what do you do?

ceremony package
$1000 + GST
A bespoke ceremony written and delivered by myself.
We'll create a truely unique ceremony all about you guys and why your relationship is tip tops. I'll help you with structure, vows and rituals you can include. All the official paperwork and fancy legal bits and bobs are handled by me (so you just get to rock up and be awesome).
Face-to-face Meetings, Phone Calls, Zoom Calls
Intial Zoom catch up to see if we're the right fit
Face-to-face meeting over coffee/wine
Creating your one of kind ceremony
Commemorative Certificate for you on the day
Your official wedding certificate organised and delivered to you 1-2 weeks after the wedding
Preparation of documents and lodging with BDM
A high quality PA system
Chill as vibes leading up to the wedding
Help writing your vows
Printed cards for your vows
A fun, chillaxed ceremony delivered by little old me
just the legal bits pls
$800 + GST
(Available Mon-Thurs)
Forget all the bells and whistles and just get us married!!
This is perfect for elopements and seriously chill couples (aka my people).
- A short and sweet personalised ceremony that includes all the legal bits to make things official (aka get you two married!)
- All necessary catch ups before the day
- commemorative wedding certificate to take home on the day
- Your official marriage certificate sent to your home 1-2 weeks after the wedding
- High quality audio equipment which can also be used for ceremony music
- An email or phone call away from our first catch up to the wedding day
Full DAY celebrant,
DUo, DJ, MC Package
Love to keep things easy? How does a husband and wife team that offers celebrancy, live music, dj and mcing sound?
Check out my sister business Maple Creek Music I run with my good looking husband Blake to learn more about our full day music packages you can pair with my celebrant packages.
Why yes, this is a money saver too!
Lets grab a wine! Or a coffee..or a tea. Whatever it is, it's on me ;).
Best way to contact me is through the contact form below, that way your message won't get lost in voicemails/lose emails etc! If you don't hear back within 48 hours, feel free to give me a gentle nudge!
Ph: 0406610680